
Sharing some love for #pesto however the taste of their #chocolate #torte is far too sweet and tastes like #icecream made on #buttermilk very... very... awkward But the #caffe is fantastic #health #nutrition #lunch - Another mobile image

Stuffed #greenpepper and #redpepper #roasted under #buffalomozarella - Another mobile image

#omg #ghostintheshell #love #filmweb What an amazing movie !!! Just mind blowing #mindblown / Cóż za wciągający film ! Wyrywa mózg przy samym siedzeniu #movieclassics Klasyka kina i fantasy w fenomenalnym wydaniu. Polecam po tysiąckroć / I recommend it ! #imax #odeon - Another mobile image

#Honda #varadero #varaderoxl #125cc #motorcycle #learner #learnerdriver - Another mobile image