
Founde on the internet #lion - Another mobile image

My Little girl :) Hahahha #German #Shepherd - Another mobile image

Ready to play with my #golf #ball ?? #German #Shepherd -#Alsatian #ladygraceandglory @manchester - Another mobile image

Tomorrows breakfast is getting prepared #mushrooms #green-olives with garlic, pickled red #peppers and pork lion #steaks @manchester - Another mobile image

#faces continued - Another mobile image

#faces haha - Another mobile image

With my #dog #German #Shepherd @allpropicture - Another mobile image

#polish #ham cooked in #beetroot, Turkish #spicy #pickles and #tomatoes. All fished with #mushroom #couscous and parsley. High protein and just a bit if carbs @allprohealth - Another mobile image