#dinner time! I've just created this 6oz #beef #steak frying on the @penaperformance #coconut #oil. Then I've boiled in the malt vinegar #mushrooms , red #peppers, green #olives stuffed with #garlic and #peach, adding a little bit of #tahini. Everything is being served on the pre-heated played with @mlekovita #feta #cheese with black pepper on and @itoscanni #pate di #carciofi with #paprica powder. Decorated with @deluxe #aceto #balsamico all #arabica, chives and presley. Why so many things.... I called it the sensation experiencer heh as I think you can serve this single piece of meat and by mixing those different flavours that all go together very well, you will experience amazing variations of cousine. Got one portion spare left... Anybody? Cheers - Another mobile image

