Mini Bamboo Forest in Loro Park at Teneriffe

A quick shoot with my iPhone set for HDR bracketing…

For those of you who had never visit the Canary Islands, this Loro Park is a must visit place. Great place with a piece of wildlife but more advanced a sea life combined with human perception… amazing dolphin, orcas and sea lions shows.

The Description from WIKI: “Loro Parque (Spanish for “parrot park”) is a 13.5-hectare (33-acre) zoo located on the outskirts of Puerto de la Cruz on Tenerife, Spain where it houses an extensive and diverse reserve of animal and plant species…”

A day well spend and even if it’s raining don’t worry as all shows are under the roof or some sort of tent so you won’t get wet.

This image was taken just at the entrance where you come aside of gorilla caves. It’s a special type of bamboo that is being grown in the park to be a bamboo forest. It’s not very tight but the leafs give in the African Sun amazing shadows that I had to capture

Loro Park - Bamboos

Loro Park HDR – Mini Bamboo Forest

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