Google Fonts

As I have started to work over my new website i found that majority of the WP themes these days work a lot with Google Fonts. It might be nothing new in the networking universe but for me it is a Novum. Just to let everybody know, I'm not a web designer, just someone who does time to time some work over websites... So please excuse my lame language or if I make some not fully accurate statement but this is the best to my knowledge :)

For all those who might be not familiar with difference with traditional web fonts this is a short description what is new with these. 

The main feature is that you are no longer limited to 8 or 10 fonts. With Google Fonts you get over 500 to choose from... and I find it a nice score especially if you are designing a website. Of course it wouldn't be anything new, as to be able to implement third party fonts on your website wasn't anything new. The problem used to appear when you wanted to someone who didn't have the font to look at the website and they could get the experience you have designed for. Then you had to implement those fonts in your code on the website and it used to slow down the appearance and it wasn't compatible with all the browser, some you had to pay for, problems, problems and problems.

Now how I see those Google Fonts is solving all this hassle: 
There is a database of Open Source Fonts that anyone can use, access and change on their website at any location of the site... That's not the carrot yet... The main feature I love is it allows you to write any type of software that will due to the support of these fonts allow you to set them up, but if you are creating a third party app or something, you can let the user to change those settings and outlook while the use the app or receive the experience of the website... The way I can see it, it allows you to interact better with user, audience, customer you name it :) 

Can you imagine an on-line broadcast with Text to Speech and anyone who listens can adjust the font for themselves, or subtitles for the video stream... you can not only make them bigger but set them to suit your mood or anything... really! Cool.

So I don't think it will change your life you it definitely make me smile as this option wasn't available to me before... and at least not for FREE! :)
So BIG plus for Google Fonts!
